
I'm having a really hard time with

... Prop 8.

The main argument for Prop 8 that I've heard from people is that it's restoring the traditional view of marriage. It's what God wants.

What I'm having a hard time with is why this is the issue Christians are choosing to rally around. I can think of many other things that God wants that Christians don't pursue. What is up?

It also feels like a log in the eye situation. Whenever I hear "restore traditional marriage" I'm also wondering, doesn't that mean we should be outlawing divorce and remarriage? Instead, we have things like divorce care in churches. Should we be so selective about where we show compassion and grace?

And what has particularly irked me about this whole thing is the propaganda surrounding the Yes campaign. Much of the ads for Prop 8 you see on TV are made by "Christian" organizations and they tell blatant lies about Prop 8. The stuff about teaching children gay marriage in schools and forcing pastors to marry gay couples is simply not true. I can't get over it... lying to oppose sin. Is this sin justified because it's trying to come against another sin?

Honestly, I haven't heard one good argument from anyone that hasn't been spoon fed by the propaganda. If you find it, please let me know.

Along with this and election fever, I've been confronted with something else. Can someone please tell me how being a Christian = Republican? From where I'm standing, I have very little in common with the interests of Republicans. And PLEASE don't say family values.

I've been trying to stay away from blogging about this stuff because I really would rather talk to people in person... so I kept it short. I tried not to be too rant-y either.


soybeanlover said...

As God-fearing a woman, I agree just hearing that it is 'what God wants' isn't enough for me. I've prayed about it and received my own personal answer as to which way I should vote. Prayer. The other thing is, my friend Stephanie has kept a blog with lots of interesting, well thought out pro Prop 8 information. For me it is more of an issue of being able to continue to practice religion freely. Catholic Charities has had to close down their adoption services for fear of lawsuit, as has another company in CA(I believe). Clergy in the UK have been sued for libel for teaching that homosexuality is a sin. I believe in the separation of church and state, but I want to keep the state out of my church.

In the end though, pray about it, and what the Lord tells you, is the right answer for you.

soybeanlover said...

opps forgot to post the link

doh forgot to post the link

insaknitty said...

sorry, I don't have any good arguments for prop 8. the actual text of the proposition doesn't give me much to work with. also, I don't think that christian = republican. aside from my parents, I don't really know many christians who identify republicanly. anyway, I just wanted to say that I see where you're coming from in this post and good for you for posting it and not getting ranty! :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

I agree with insaknitty--I think those who think Christianity = Republican live in the geographic center of America and/or more rural areas. It's a cultural value system that is pretty rare and foreign in the Bay Area.

As for Prop 8 and all other legislation of its ilk (those that legislate social or sexual ethics) it seems more a matter of public policy than moral debate. There are certain moral aspects that we will never be able to legislate (as you mentioned like adultery, fornication, lying, coveting) without there being too much government intrusion. Perhaps gay marriage is such an issue, perhaps it's not. For me, the consideration is not so much whether gay marriage is against my conscience, but rather whether the government should get into the business of regulating marriage in this way.

Peggy E. said...

Alice: You'd be surprised that Christian=Republican is not limited to just the middle of the country. Most of my students come in with strong Republican leaning. I certainly did when I entered college.

Jerrissimo said...

There's a lot of concern surrounding the issue of whether or not allowing gay marriage will also allow churches and religious organizations to be sued or come under legal pressure if they refuse to recognize those marriages.

Whether or not this is true is questionable as I've been doing my research and there seems to be a part in the documents which prevents such a case (it's been quoted on most sites promoting NO on 8).

I might not even be able to vote either way thanks to my lost absentee ballot right now ;).

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah, I should add ethnic enclaves that are generally socially conservative--Chinese being one.

Funny thing, my mom just forwaded me an email of Rick Warren urging Christians to vote Yes on Prop 8. His view is exactly the opposite of mine--he says it's not a political issue, but a moral one.

Victoria said...

i liked this. that's all. (:

Anonymous said...

The huge misconception "Yes" proponents have is that if Prop 8 does not pass, it will introduce tolerance of homosexuality in schools as well as encouraging it as a viable and good alternative to heterosexuality. The truth is, that's already in schools and will continue to grow regardless of the outcome of Prop 8. In fact, it is illegal for a parent to pull their kid out of a class out of fear of homosexual education. So, if they think YES on Prop 8 will protect them from that, then they are in for a surprise. But yes, propaganda it is.